WHEN, HOW, & WHY to SEEK THERAPY | Free Resources provided by Eason Counseling & Associates
Therapy is not only for individuals with mental illness, but therapy can also help when you need guidance establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships with family or friends as well as empowering a positive and personalized work/life balance that best suits you. Therapy can also help you process feeling stuck or dealing with unresolved grief/trauma. Stress relating to coping with race, identity, sexuality or gender can also be topics tackled with your therapist.
Key points to consider:
Does thinking about or coping with the issues in your life take up at least an hour each day?
Do the issues in your life cause embarrassment or make you want to avoid others?
Do the issues in your life cause your quality of life to decrease?
Do the issues in your life negatively affect school, work, or relationships?
Have you made changes in your life or developed habits to cope with the issues in life?

Emotions Therapy Could Help With
- Overwhelm. You might feel like you have too many things to do or too many issues to cope with. You might feel like you can’t rest or breathe fully.
- Fatigue. This physical symptom often results from or accompanies mental health issues. It can indicate depression. Fatigue can cause you to sleep more than usual or have trouble getting out of bed in the morning.
- Disproportionate rage, anger, or resentment. Everyone feels angry at times. Even passing rage isn’t necessarily harmful. Seeking support to deal with these feelings may be a good idea when they don’t pass, are extreme compared to the situation, or if they lead you to take violent or potentially harmful actions.
- Anxious or intrusive thoughts. It’s normal to worry about things from time to time, but when worry takes up a significant part of your day or causes physical symptoms, therapy can help you deal with it.
- Apathy. Losing interest in usual activities, the world around you, or life in general can indicate mental health issues like depression or anxiety.
- Hopelessness. Losing hope or motivation, or feeling as if you have no future, can indicate depression or another mental health condition. Feeling hopeless from time to time, especially after a period of difficulty, isn’t uncommon. But when it persists, it may lead to much bigger issues.
- Social withdrawal. Many people feel better when they’re able to spend at least some time alone. Introverted people may need even more time alone than others. But if you feel distressed around others or fear being with other people, therapy can help you understand and deal with these feelings.

Rewarding Aspects of Therapy
- You’ll learn more about yourself. Therapists listen to your story and help you make connections. They might offer guidance or recommendations if you feel lost, but they don’t tell you what to do. Therapy can empower you to take action on your own.
- Therapy can help you achieve your goals. If you aren’t sure of what your goals are, therapy can help you clarify them and set realistic steps to meet them.
- Therapy can help you have more fulfilling relationships. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, therapy can help you address difficulties with relating to others, such as insecurity in relationships or difficulty trusting your partners.
- You’re more likely to have better health. Research supports a link between mind and body wellness. Untreated mental health issues can impact physical wellness. On the other hand, people in good emotional health may be more able to deal with physical health issues that arise.
- Therapy can lead to improvement in all areas of life. If you feel like something is holding you back from living life as you envision it, therapy can help you address this. When you aren’t sure what’s keeping you from making change, therapy can help you discover the answer.

CONTACT Eason Counseling & Associates for more information on how to seek therapy here in the NWA.
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GET HELP! Eason Counseling & Associates are also offering low to no cost counseling for women of color.
You can access their online form here to apply : https://www.mendingracialpain.com